Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I used to

i used to do a lot of things.
i used to be cold to the world around me.
i used to live to die. now i'm dying to live.
i used to not care, but now i care too much. 
i used to be mad, but now i don’t have time.
i used to go out, but now i prefer staying in.
i used to dress nice, but now my kids do.
i used to value your image of me. now i'm just ME.
i used to wish time away. now i want that time back.
i used to be reckless, but now i slow down and THINK.
i used to hold grudges....i guess some things never change.
i used to worry about the small things, now i know what's important.
the only thing consistent in life is change.
embrace it!
living, learning, and loving are our only obligations to this planet.
if you aren’t doing each of those things everyday,
you are just taking up space.
people always say, "’ve changed!".
the sad thing is...most of those people that say that HAVEN'T changed!
Yes i've changed. That's the only reason I am alive to talk about this.

floating on the wind of change,
looking down on the former me.
lessons learned, bridges burned.

enlightened by the darkness
a mislead boy once called home.
self healing of unborn feelings.

the rusty door opens on my
homemade cell that confined
a bruised mind, now redefined.

my body grows weak as the
light invades my unused eyes.
"so long since i was this strong".

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